Neat how there's a lot of state encoded in which way you put on the headband, and it's intuitive and fun to do so too! I didn't solve most levels, but it seems like there's unique things going on in all of them. I like the visuals too.
Level 10 elicited a genuine lol before its torture commenced :)
Nice to see magic finally moving into 20th century headwear. Please can you let the makers of RPGs know that my mage can now wear a magic headband under something more head-protect-y like a helmet?
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Some levels just make me think of No-left-turn mazes and Tower of Hanoi. Fun and not super hard.
Funnily enough, the one you are thinking of is literally Tower of Hanoi, but flipped upside down.
Last level stumped me until I realised gur svefg fgrcf ner pehpvny.
Neat how there's a lot of state encoded in which way you put on the headband, and it's intuitive and fun to do so too! I didn't solve most levels, but it seems like there's unique things going on in all of them. I like the visuals too.
Level 10 elicited a genuine lol before its torture commenced :)
Nice to see magic finally moving into 20th century headwear. Please can you let the makers of RPGs know that my mage can now wear a magic headband under something more head-protect-y like a helmet?